Was home a lil earlier on yesterday and so the toughts of going down to the park just swept over me...well....frankly speaking, I don't always go down to the park to walk...not unless when I wish to be alone or when I'm sad....
Alots of things been crossing on my mind lately, things that happen in the past, families, relationships, friends etc....it seems to haunt on me always...though one part of me always telling myself to it let go...but on the other part of me will always be looking back at what had happened.
As I was on my way down to the park, with my favourite music at my ear, camera on one hand...standing at one end of the park and look all my might to the other end only to realize that it was too far for me to walk alone at this hour of the time. Looking at the road, I start to realize one thing, the journey in life is never too short nor too long is just a matter on how you take charge of it and how you control your own life. No one can predict what will your future be, neither can they tell you what's going to happen next to your life.
We, as human, should live our life to the fullest while we still can, enjoy and savour all those moments of happiness and also for those around you!
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